DISCO - plug-in for Protege 3.x


This plug-in for the ontology editor Protege (version 3) allows to query DISCO word spaces directly from inside the Protege application. If you install the plug-in a new tab appears where you can select a DISCO word space and enter a query word. The semantically most similar words and the most significant collocations for the query word will be shown in a table (see the following screenshot, click figure to enlarge it).

You can find more information about the plug-in in the Protege Wiki.

Scrrenshot DISCO Plugin
for Protege


DISCO and DISCO Word Spaces are freely available and open source. They are licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.

Download the plug-in: DISCO4Protege3-v1.0.zip
Source code on GitHub: https://github.com/linguatools/DISCO4Protege3


  1. Download DISCO4Protege3-v1.0.zip to the plugins subdirectory of your Protege directory and unzip it.
  2. Start Protege. In the menu select Project, then Configure. A list with tab widgets will be displayed. Select DISCOWordSpaces and click the OK button. Now a new tab entitled DISCOWordSpaces should appear in the Protege window.
  3. Before you can query a word space with the Protege plug-in you have to download a word space. You can find a list with the currently available word spaces at http://www.linguatools.de/disco/disco-download_en.html. In the table click on a word space name (in the column "Packet Name") and follow the download instructions on the upcoming page. Note that the Protege plugin only works with word spaces for DISCO API version 1!
