English Collocations

The big online database with English collocations

Database with over 2 million collocations for 43 thousand English words
relations filter:   V:obj:N (12)    
basisword collocation significance relation examples sentences
have to have thought 236192 V:obj:N Wait a minute , I just had a thought .

Oh how could I -- how could I have such thoughts !

Oh , how could I -- how could I have such thoughts !

have to have householder 194316 V:obj:N None had a female householder with no husband present .

In those days Winchelsea had seven hundred householders and fifty inns .

About 41 % of households were married , 10 % had a female householder with no husband , and 42 % were non-family households .

have to have right 186371 V:obj:N Human beings , under the Code , have rights .

We had the might ; we have the right .

Perhaps , as you say , I have no right .

have to have child 160650 V:obj:N You and I will do well to have no children .

But you do n't seem to ever have any children .

The census does not show the couple having any children .

have to have area 148711 V:obj:N Is roughly oval , and has an area of .

The historical park was described in 1989 as having an area of .

So I said well not in my area you have n't .

have to have idea 144546 V:obj:N Having the ideas is merely a matter of having ideas .

But after I have passed on , I have ideas .

But , sir , I had my own ideas .

have to have chance 125076 V:obj:N So , you see , I have two chances .

If we push on , we have a chance .

Here , by the way , you have a chance .

have to have power 119528 V:obj:N While I have a sword I shall have power .

Anyway , the boat did n't have any power .

You will see if I have not the power !

have to have reason 114371 V:obj:N Now , you see , I had my reasons .

You can give no reasons ; you have no reasons .

Unless , to be sure , you have a reason ?

have to have son 110213 V:obj:N Then I , too , should have a son !

The couple were to go on to have four sons .

Well , Martha is going to have a son .

have to have doubt 97909 V:obj:N And I looked so , I have no doubt .

You know the game , I have no doubt .

About the last , however , I have my doubts .

have to have effect 23434 V:obj:N As given , an insert will have no effect .

Waiting , the tea starts to have an effect .

Perhaps a few words from you might have effect .